Happy New Year

While none of us know what to expect in 2021, it’s worth looking back at the roller coaster that was 2020. It started off well with positive intentions, then the lockdowns began in March and we all had to scramble to adjust. We quickly modified our day-to-day practices and outfitted the team and trucks with the necessities to protect each other and our customers.

With safety measures in place and our amazing customers, we were fortunate to successfully wrap up 2020! However, it appears to me that in business there are only winners and those that are not; there is no 2nd or 3rd place runners up. Therefore, I feel it is urgent for those who are doing well to have empathy for fellow local & small businesses by supporting them. I will be doing so in 2021 and hope you will join me while keeping the following in mind; goodwill defies gravity and trickles up. 

Thanks to each of you for working with us in 2020, we look forward to partnering with you to make 2021 a far better year. 

Frank Casella